About Our Quartets
Harbor Sounds Quartets
In addition to our ~20 member choir, we are proud to have multiple quartets represent our chorus. These quartets compete at our annual conventions, sing on our shows, and occasionally do their own independent gigs! Being in a quartet is one of the fastest ways to develop confidence and learn new skills as a singer and we strongly encourage all of our singers to join a quartet.
Mixture formed in 2023 as the Harbor Sounds Chorus's first quartet following the pandemic. They competed at the Pioneer District's Fall Convention in 2023 and made it to the final round on their first convention! They have sung on several shows with the chorus and are available for short performances.
Tenor: Teri Brink
Lead: Lee Leffingwell
Baritone: Pat Osborne
Bass: Zach Rolfs
High Score: 67.5
Four Under Forty
Four Under Forty formed in 2024 to improve their skills and have fun doing it.
Tenor: Allison Brandt
Lead: Kevin Rose
Baritone: Kyle Betzold
Bass: Zach Rolfs
High Score: N/A
ReMix formed in 2023 to sing songs at church services.
Tenor: Pat Osborne
Lead: Lee Leffingwell
Baritone: Zach Rolfs
Bass: Reed Swanson
High Score: N/A
A Mixed Bush League Quartet (AMBLQ)
AMBLQ formed in 2023 to sing for fun and foster community across Michigan's Pioneer district. Comprised of three directors and one chapter president, they competed at the 2023 Bush League and placed second in the Mixed Quartet competition.Â
Tenor: Joelle Laginess
Lead: Zach Rolfs
Baritone: R.T. Williams
Bass: Chris Berry
High Score: 70.3